Dr. MedardTwinamatsiko is a Development Conservationist with over 12 years of progressive research and academic engagement half of which have resulted into the successful implementation of two Darwin Initiative projects in collaboration with the International Institute for Environment and Development, London (https://www.iied.org/users/medard-twinamatsiko).
Dr. Twinamatsiko has a PhD Policy Management and Natural Resource Governance and is a Senior Researcher and Lecturer in the Department of Environment and Livelihood Support Systems, Faculty of Interdisciplinary Studies at Mbarara University of Science and Technology(MUST), Uganda. He also works as the Ag. Deputy Director for the Centre for Innovations and Technology Transfer (CITT) -MUST. The Centre is in charge of all innovations, skills development and technological transfer at MUST.He is also a Senior Social Research Consultant at the Institute of Tropical Forest Conservation (ITFC), a postgraduate and research Institute of MUST, located in BwindiImpenetrable National Park where he has previously worked as the Head of Social Research Department for four and a half years.