Research and Innovation

With research providing the knowledge foundation that fuels innovative ideas. Collaborations between academia, industry, and government entities play a crucial role in advancing both research and innovation.

Capacity Building

Effective capacity building requires a tailored approach, considering the specific needs, context, and goals of the individuals or organizations involved. It is an ongoing process that requires commitment, collaboration, and a long-term perspective.

Research uptake

Maximizing the societal impact of research efforts and ensuring that the knowledge generated through research is applied to inform decision-making, shape policies, and contribute to positive change in practice or behavior.

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We are optimists who love to work together!

Whether you’re talking about teams of optimists or teams with optimistic qualities, fostering a positive mindset within a group can lead to increased motivation, higher morale, and improved overall team performance, balanced with a realistic understanding of challenges, can contribute to a healthy and productive dynamic team.

Annah Amwikirize
Annah Amwikirize
Centre Administrator/Finance Officer
Dr. Medard Twinamatsiko
Dr. Medard Twinamatsiko
Executive Director
Prof.Nixon Kamukama
Prof.Nixon Kamukama

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